Well, I figured that I have mastered all the words that are available to me, so I decided to make some new ones up.

Aquagarbubble (Aqua' Gar bubble) - v. "the act of speaking underwater"
Cumble (Come' bull) - v. "The act of trying to catch a cup that has slipped out of your fingers, but after about four times of almost catching it, it drops and shatters on the floor"
Warnsmakulation (Warn Smack' you lay shun) - n. "the event when a person doesn't read the warning label on a piece of equipment, breaks it or themselves, and then smacks their head with their hand"
Blop (blŏp) - v "The act of flopping down in a chair after a long day of work"
Undudish (Un dude' ish) - v "An act that is despicable in the sight of one's peers"
Yeliwhack (Yell ei whack') v- "The act of yelling loudly before striking something in hopes that it will increase the power of the hit"
Forescore (Four score') - n. "The warning given just before someone begins reciting historical facts"
Uhhuhok (Uh huh' oh kay) - adv. "A very strong agreement; In a manner that does not take an objection"
Yeahalright (yea all' right) -adv. Informal. "Meaning much the same as uhhuhok, but with some resistance to the idea of following advice"
Glip (guh lip') - v. "The act of acting better than everyone by raising the eyebrows, sticking out the chin, and talking with a British accent."
Morphlipulation (Mor flip u lay sion) - n. "The act or practice of practicing to make one's self into a different shape as to trick your mother into believing that you are not still in bed."
There are tons more online, but they are easy to make.
Just think of something that you do everyday then think, "what should this really be called?"